For most part the mouse is comfortable, although we didn't like the rubber coated scroll wheel which takes is slower than most others we've used. The Fingerprint Reader requires you to install the provided software and drivers and once this is completed it is very easy to set-up. However, when we tried the exact same thing with Mozilla Firefox, we weren't so lucky. Doing this takes mere seconds and enables the tilt-wheel scrolling feature. We entered a username and a password and, after clicking OK, we were prompted to touch the fingerprint sensor again and--wow--access to Hotmail. This Holiday Season, protect yourself and your loved ones with the best.
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Microsoft has no plans at this time to support other browsers. If intelimouse read is unsuccessful, a yellow question mark appears instead. The disclaimers recommend that the fingerprint reader not be used to protect sensitive information.

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I need power and lots of it. The Bottom Line The stylish and comfortable set is easy to use and operates smoothly, but the only browser fingeprint supports is Internet Explorer. When your fingerprint is successfully scanned a small icon is displayed in the left hand corner of the screen, which signifies that the microsoftt was successful with a green light.

Microsoft IntelliMouse Fingerprint Reader Mouse Wireless Receiver Only 1034

The Good Easy setup, comfortable, easy to use. Bottom Line The Fingerprint Reader is a convenient product that is well priced, but its lack of browser support is a significant disappointment. The IntelliMouse Explorer included in the package also worked well and can be used as soon as fingerprlnt Fingerprint reader is connected to your PC.

Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint Reader The two-tone gray optical mouse in the Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint Reader set is incredibly comfortable and features Microsoft's tilt-wheel technology, which lets you scroll horizontally as well as vertically. Microsoft's Fingerprint Reader is one such biometric product aimed at capitalizing on this reaction.

We've changed, we promise. It's coated in rubber, making it comfortable to grip and to move, and the wheel doesn't click or make other sounds when you roll it.

We first tried this using Internet Explorer on Hotmail. The Fingerprint Reader is a convenient product that is well priced, but its lack of browser support is a significant disappointment. Whether it is voice recognition, fingerprint scanners or futuristic retinal scans used in the latest Hollywood flick, consumers have always been wowed by biometric technology.

Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint Reader Specs - CNET

After finger registration, pop-up menus instruct you to go to any Web site or program that is password-protected, then touch the fingerprint sensor with a registered finger to get the Create Fingerprint Logon prompt.

Don't show this again.

The software suggests you register at least two of your fingerprints, although you can register your entire two hands if you wish. Another minor annoyance is the ever-present light on the fingerprint reader. Microsoft recommends registering two fingerprints, and you can choose which fingers. Once you nicrosoft set-up the Reader to register your prints, it is a simple matter of going to any password-protected web-site or program and scanning your print to create a fingerprint logon. At any time, you can scan your ingellimouse to bring up the convenient Fingrrprint Touch Menu, which allows you to edit settings including sounds, prompts and taskbar options.

It does work with most other programs though - we used the Reader to protect log-ins for Lotus Notes and MSN Messenger, just to name a few. About the same size as a standard mouse, the Fingerprint Reader simply plugs into a USB port on your PC and does not need any batteries or charging to function.

Microsoft Fingerprint Reader (with IntelliMouse Explorer)

Review Sections Review Specs. The reader can be used without the mouse, but fingsrprint the other way around, as it acts as the IntelliMouse receiver. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. The Bad Works only with Internet Explorer. The mobile world might finally get exciting again in We would get the fingerprint logon prompt, fill in the required password information, hit OK, and Buy now for Holiday Savings!

The Fingerprint Reader allows users to scan their fingerprint in the reader instead of typing in a password to access password-protected intellimoyse.

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